Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to many questions asked by buyers and sellers...

Should I bring my car if it rains?

Yes, definetely.  The profile of the potential buyer changes.  The look-e-loos will stay home but the serious buyers who "need" to buy a car, will arrive.  These people are even more likely to attend the Auto Fair so they do not have to drive all over town in the inclimate weather looking at one vehicle at a time.  They would rather come to one location and make a deal.  Some of our highest sales ratios have been on rainy weekends.

What about Holidays?

Yes, we are OPEN.  There are many potential buyers and sellers that leave town on holiday weekends.  However, many folks also come INTO town.  They visit family and look for things to do.  They are in a relaxed, vacation-mode and our attendance is fantastic.  In addition, holidays seem to get the buying juices flowing.  So don't miss this opportunity to expose your vehicle on a holiday weekend. 

What if I'm too busy to leave my car there each weekend? 

That's the point.  We are here for you every weekend to HELP with your busy weekend.  We offer a high-traffic location to expose your vehicle while you are carrying-on your weekend plans.  You only need to answer your phone to answer questions a buyer may have about your vehicle.  You are in-control of when you meet the potential buyer.  You may schedule all your test-drive appointments toward the conclusion of the weekend so you are not running back and forth to the lot.  Keep in mind that the potential buyers who are calling you from the Auto Fair are "quality" buyers who have already looked-over the car, heard it run and are now serious about taking the next step.  At the Auto Fair, it is common that the first call is the only call you'll need to sell the car.  If your car is advertised on any website or newspaper, simply tell them to go to the Auto Fair to view your vehicle.  No waiting around and no exposing your home to strangers.

Can a potential buyer drive my car while it's there?

No, you must be present.  You may also send a representative on your behalf, however you will need to make those arrangements with us ahead of time or call us at the lot when sending someone on your behalf (661-609-8642).  Upon your request and for your protection, we will record the test-driver's identification when you leave on a test-drive and recommend a test-drive route.  Although there are test-drive nightmare stories out there, the Auto Fair has NOT experienced one such incident.  Keep in mind that any person with dishonest intent will be discouraged in an Auto Fair type enviroment where many people have seen them and are involved in knowing their identity.

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2023-2024 Santa Clarita Auto Fair, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Office: 661.255.2622 (24/7)